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Hartford Mayor Says City Will Lay Off 12, Mostly In Middle Management


August 31, 2012

HARTFORD —— The city will most likely lay off at least 12 employees in an effort to balance the 2012-13 budget that was adopted in May, Mayor Pedro Segarra announced late Friday afternoon.

A majority of the layoffs would target middle-management, Segarra said, and the average savings per employee would be about $80,000. The mayor said that those being laid off are expected to be notified Sept. 21, and their last day of work would be Oct. 7. He could not be reached for further comment Friday.

As part of the budget adopted in May, the mayor was counting on $1 million in union concessions that haven't materialized. In addition to the layoffs, Segarra said, all nonunion classified and unclassified city employees — including police and fire command staff members — who make more than $45,000 per year would be required to take furlough days. He did not say how many furlough days the employees would be required to take.

Two positions from the chief operating officer's office will also be eliminated, Segarra said.

"To contemplate layoffs is very difficult for me," Segarra said in a prepared statement Friday. "I do not like — nor do I want — to lay anyone off, but I have an obligation to every taxpayer to meet a balanced budget and I intend to do just that."

Segarra noted that the city had faced a more than $50 million deficit in 2012-13, a large portion of which was attributable to a citywide property revaluation. The city cut spending in several areas and found additional revenue and savings, including the proposed union concessions.

A $540.3 million spending plan was adopted for the 2012-13 fiscal year that raises the city's tax rate by 2.5 mills. A mill equals $1 for every $1,000 of assessed property.

"At this time I anticipate a large majority of the layoffs would come from the mid-management ranks as is consistent with my philosophy of continually looking at ways to minimize bureaucratic red tape and increase efficiency and accountability among front-line staff," Segarra said Friday.

Reprinted with permission of the Hartford Courant. To view other stories on this topic, search the Hartford Courant Archives at http://www.courant.com/archives.
| Last update: September 25, 2012 |
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